Season 3

Episode 8: Scary Black


Hidden Room Season 3 Finale!

In this electrifying session, Scary Black delivers a spellbinding performance against the backdrop of the city skyline. Scary Black takes us into the night with his brand of dark wave- a mixture of screeching guitar, synth, pulsing drums, and reverb soaked vocals. Thanks so much for watching!

00:20 Dark Enforcer

04:40 Wasteland

09:95 Icarus

Episode 7: Kal Marks

Welcome comrades! In this episode Kal Marks rock so hard their headphones come off. Watch them perform a noise rock manifesto of cutting riffs and heavy grooves. You don't want to miss it.

00:20 My Life is a Freak Show

04:25 Loosed/Ovation

Check out their stuff here:

<iframe class="full-size-abs" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Episode 6: Gentleman Pig

Gentleman Pig is in the studio this week with their sophisticated rock oddities. They are a dynamic instrumental duo blending intricate guitar riffs with powerful drum beats. Classy guys and great tunes!

   00:17 Life Has Its Ups and...

03:09 Bad Grammer

06:35 Ugly Twin

<iframe class="full-size-abs" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Episode 5: Joe Piano

Joe Piano's music is earnest, mellow, and wistful with beautiful melodies and moments of melancholy. The music is intimate folk with bluegrass hues featuring a unique instrumentation of nylon strings, viola and a washtub bass. That's right, a washtub bass! Or maybe it's a bass attached to a washtub? Either way we were delighted they dropped by our metaphorical front porch.

00:17 Mary

04:40 Run River

07:32 Nebraska

Hear more here:


Overchoice is the band you tell your friends about after the show. They are everything you want in a power trio; expressive vocals, emotional lyrics, odd time signatures, and shimmering guitar riffs juxtaposed by a tight 'n powerful rhythm section- What more could you ask for?!

00:18 Spiral

04:05 Duke's Song

07:00 3rd Street

Episode 3: PLAGUE IX

Plague IX play infectious tunes with raunchy attitudes in the studio this week. Fun songs about poor decisions. We love it when they drop by and hope you will too!

00:19 Violent Spender

03:16 Bleeding Out

06:20 Paranoia (the song about crack)

09:30 Bible Booster Seat

Find more of their music here:

Episode 2: The Dead Speak

Candles, Ouija board, and a fog machine- the Dead Speak evoke the supernatural in a live performance at Hidden Room. Their earnest songwriting and gothic themes will assure this horror cow-beret duo will soon be one of your favorites. Come hang out in the graveyard with us!

00:20 The Pact

05:06 Beauty Is Pain

08:47 Cemetery

Find more of their music here:

Episode 1: DJUNAH

We're back after a few years off to bring you incredible music by awesome artists. Starting off Season 3 we have the powerful and mighty Djunah! Filmed live in studio, Djunah is a duo of drums and guitar that will blow you away with talent. An epic voice with loud guitar and "a leg for a bassist" the music is nothing short of amazing! We couldn't be more happy to kick off our season with this incredible display of musicianship.

00:20 Hallway

04:30 Phaethon

08:15 Seven Winds

Find more of their music here:

Check out older episode below:

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